Mantra Calligraphy - Gallery
Hand-penned originals, ink on paper
A few representative works....
• Price includes SalesTax (if NY/NJ sale)
100% gross donated to Palmo Choling Buddhist Center
• Shipping worldwide available

No.32 (above)
Gate Gate Paragate Mantra - Sanskrit
From the Heart Sutra
(Prajnaparamitat Hridaya)
108 repetitions - Black & Gold
outer circle includes:
"Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is Form"
mat, gold ribbon, framed, glass, 19" x 19"
Inscription: "Blessing" 12.14.`9
$950 - GIFT

No. 40 (above)
Om Mani Padme Hum - Sanskrit
108 Repetitions, gold & black

mat, gold ribbon, framed, glass, 18" x 18"
bottom iInscription:
"You are That" (Tat Tvam Asi)" 8.1.19

$350 - sold
No. 33 (above)
Om Mani Padme Hum - Tibetan
108 Repetitions, red & gold

mat, gold ribbon, framed, glass, 18" x 18"
bottom iInscription: (Tibetan)
"You are Buddhat" 11.24.19

$350 - GIFT
No.29 (above)
Om Mani Padme Hum - Tibetan
108 repetitions
traditional colors
black, white, green, yellow, blue, red
mat, gold ribbon, framed, glass, 18" x 18"
Bottom iInscription:
"You are endless Space " 2017

$350 - donated
No.27 (above)
Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha - Tibetan
108 repetitions
Gold & green, framed, glass, 18" x 18"
Bottom iInscription:
"You are Tara (Tib.: Drolma)" 7.4.17

$350 - donated
No.28 (above)
Om Shreem - Sanskrit
Gold & iridescent green
1008 repetitions
mat, gold ribbon, framed, glass, 26" x 26"
Lakshmi, consort of Vishnu,
bestows wealth & beauty on all levels.
"Shreem" is Lakshmi's seed mantra
Inscription: "Om Hreem Shreem Lakshmibnhayo Namah" 8.7.17
$1750 - donated

No.29 (above)
Om Mani Padme Hum - Sanskrit
108 Repetitions, gold & black

mat, gold ribbon, framed, glass, 18" x 18"
Bottom iInscription:
"The Great Wisdoms" (Mahavidya)" 2017

$350 - donated

Om Mani Padme Hum - Tibetan
108 Repetitions, red & gold circle
frame, white mat, 17x17 inches,
gold ribbon
bottom inscription:
"You are the Chenresig" - 10.22.17

$350 - donated
No.31 (above)
Om - Sanskrit
1008 Repetitions, blue
includes 108 repetitions gold
frame, 19x19 inches
bottom inscription:
"Om: That Alone Is (Om Tat Sat)"- 9.3.18

$650 - DONATED
No.17 (above)
Om Mani Padme Hum - Tibetan
108 Repetitions, gold circle on black
frame, black mat, 16x20 inches,
gold ribbon
bottom inscription:
"You are Void Mind (Sunyata)" - 8.22.14

$350 - GIFT
No.18 (above)
Gayatri - Sanskrit
108 Repetitions, gold, black & red
frame, mat, 31x23 inches, gold ribbon
bottom inscription:
"That Thou Art (Tat Tvam Asi)"- 8.8.14

$650 - available
No.10 (above)
Gayatri - Sanskrit
108 Repetitions, black & red circle
frame, mat, 24x24 inches, gold ribbon
bottom inscription:
"That Thou Art (Tat Tvam Asi)"- 11.17.13

$1650 - available

No.21 (above)
Om - Tibetan
1008 repetitions in green, 108 in gold
frame, 17x17 inches
bottom inscription:
"You are the Tara" - 11.17.16

$650 - DONATED
No.20 (above)
Om - Tibetan
1008 repetitions in black and gold (108)
protector band in red beyond the 1008
4 heavenly realms in black beyond the 1008
frame, mat, 20x20 inches
$650 - donated
No.24 (above)
Om - Tibetan
1008 repetitions in blue, 108 in gold
frame, 17x17 inches
bottom inscription:
"You are the Sky" - 11.27.16

$650 - DONATED
No.9 (above)
Om Mani Padme Hum - Tibetan
108 Repetitions, gold circle on black
frame, black mat, 16x20 inches,
red ribbon
bottom inscription:
"You are Void Mind (Sunyata)" - 1.7.14

$350 - GIFT
No.19 (above)
Om - Sanskrit
1008 Repetitions, black
includes 108 repetitions gold
frame, 19x19 inches
bottom inscription:
"That Thou Art (Tat Tvam Asi)"- 9.1.15

$650 - DONATED
Om Mani Padme Hum - Tibetan
108 Repetitions, green & gold circle
frame, white mat, 16x20 inches,
gold ribbon
bottom inscription:
"You are the Tara" - 1.14.14

$350 - GIFT
No. 33 (above)
Om - Sanskrit
1008 Repetitions, blue
includes 108 repetitions gold
frame, 19x19 inches
(shadows of trees are in the photo only!)
bottom inscription:
"I Am That (So Hami)"- 6.27.17

$650 - donated
No.23 (above)
Om - Sanskrit
1008 Repetitions, purple
includes 108 repetitions gold
frame, 19x19 inches
(shadows of trees not in the original....)
bottom inscription:
"That Thou Art (Tat Tvam Asi)"- 9.1.15

$650 - DONATED
No.7 (above)
Om Mani Padme Hum - Tibetan
108 Repetitions, blue & gold circle
frame, mat, 16x20 inches, gold ribbon
bottom inscription:
"You are the Sky" - 1.14.14

$350 - GIFT
No.6 (above)
The Jewel In The Lotus
mixed media 7.5x7.5x13 inches:
electronics, sterling silver, walnut,
calligraphy, sound, etc. (2012)
Absolutely one-of-a-kind
$850.00 - sold
No.8 (above)
Om Mani Padme Hum - Tibetan
108 Repetitions, blue & red circle
frame, mat, 16x20 inches,white mat,
gold ribbon
bottom inscription:
"You are the Sun, You are Infinite Space,
You are Clarity, You are Eternity" - 10.26.13

$350 - GIFT
No.11 (above)
Gayatri - Sanskrit
108 Repetitions, gold circle on black
frame, mat, 24x24 inches, red ribbon
bottom inscription:
"That - The One - Alone Is (Om Tat Sat)"- 1.1.14

$1650 - GIFT

No.13 (above)
Om Mani Padme Hum - Tibetan
108 Repetitions, black
frame, mat, 12x15 inches
bottom inscription:
"You are Joy" - 1.17.13

$108.00 - available
No.14 (above)
Om Mani Padme Hum - Tibetan
108 Repetitions, blue
frame, mat, 12x15 inches
bottom inscription:
"You are Spacious Sky" - 1.21.13

$108.00 - available

No.1 (above)
Om Mani Padme Hum - Tibetan
108 Repetitions, blue, 1st in gold
frame, mat, 16x20 inches, gold ribbon
bottom inscription:
"Sacred Sky, Sacred Star, Sacred Clarity - 2.20.13"

$350 - GIFT
No.2 (above)
Om Mani Padme Hum - Tibetan
108 Repetitions, red, circular
frame, mat, 16x20 inches, gold ribbon
bottom inscription:
"You are the Sun, Infinite Space, Eternity - 2.1.13"

$350 - GIFT
No.3 (above)
Om Mani Padme Hum - Tibetan
108 Repetitions, gold
frame, mat, 18x24 inches, gold ribbon
bottom inscription:
"You are Compassion, Wisdom, You are Tibet - 3.3.13"

$350 - GIFT
No.4 (above)
Om Mani Padme Hum - Tibetan
108 Repetitions, black
frame, mat, 11x17 inches, gold ribbon
bottom inscription:
"You are Love - 1.24.13"

$108.00 - SOLD

No.5 (above)
Om Mani Padme Hum - Tibetan
108 Repetitions, green
frame, mat, 11x17inches, gold ribbon
bottom inscription:
"You are Tara - 1.28.13"

$108.00 - DONATED

No.15 (above)
Om Mani Padme Hum - Tibetan
108 Repetitions, red
frame 11x13 inches
bottom inscription:
"You are Eternity" - 1.28.13

$108.00 - available