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Kurt Lichtmann :: G rated

Song & Dance!
Performances are entirely from memory.
No music stand, no ipod lyrics

Featured Artist: Ithaca Festival, Farmers Market, Ithaca Commons,...
Restaurants: Aeillo's, Franco's, Mangia Stattizitto,
Jerlando's, Nick's, Green Arch, Ithaca Bakery, Joe's, ...
Senior Homes: Kendal, Brookdale, Titus Towers, Longview, Bridges, Oak Hill, ...

" If I were hearing you on stage, I surely would be paying a lot of money for a ticket!"

"I have been to a lot places in this world. You are my favorite street singer!"

"You are a triple-threat: great singing, dancing, acting: you've got it all!"

"I truly and sincerely love your voice! I love everything about your voice!"

"Oh my God! You are so good!"

"Who is singing Caruso? Great energy, great voice!"

"He is fabulous!"

"Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful singing voice, musical expertise
and obvious enthusiasm for the pieces you performed."

"I heard this aria at the Metropolitan Opera. This was better."
(Mario: I swear to God this was a real comment, street singing on the Commons)

"You connected with the audience more than any performer we have ever had!"

"I spent some time in Italy about a month ago, but this was better!"
(Mario: Yes, this was a real comment, after singing at Mangia in Cortland)

"Your program was very diverse and engaging - from the very serious love songs to the rollicking German hiking song, with other humorous and dramatic pieces mixed in."

"It was fun. You are quite an entertainer!"

"You have a beautiful voice."

"A good time was definitely had by all!"

"Thank you for your time and energy and providing us an entertaining evening. "

"I have a sense that everyone liked you and enjoyed the program. "

"Everything about tonight was Perfect! You are a fortune cookie!"

"Best entertainment we have ever had at McGraw House!"

"You sound just like Bocelli."
(Mario: real comment, thank you, but some people are delusional and/or stoned)
Mario il Basso aka Kurt Lichtmann formerly with rock band The Corvettes '84-'95, gives much gratitude to the encouragement of vocal magician Claude Stein (Woodstock NY) to resume performing after a 30 year hiatus. Many thanks to music college voice teachers '78-'82 Leslie Bennett †, Roland Bentley †, and 2017 vocal coach Imogen Mills. Amd many thanks to tutors: Martina Edda De Biase (Neapolitan), Viviana La Gaipa (Sicilian), Alsea Alessia Angelica Esposito (Italian), and Roberto Vazquez (Mexican-Spanish.)

In 1977, the singer shook hands with Luciano Pavarotti backstage after a Bailey Hall concert in Ithaca. An electric moment, and a profound spiritual transmission: 42 years of gestation to emerge as..... Mario il Basso❤ !!!

Performing at Wizarding Weekend, Ithaca Commons Oct 26, 2018
The singer's musical journey began before birth, hearing his father, a self-taught pianist, improvise for hours into the night. His mother's repeated plaint at 3a.m. are today as clear as ever: "Dad, come to bed!" Pop also liked to joyously sing bits of vaguely learned opera arias and odd songs he had heard in the U.S. Army, while stationed in Italy (WWII). He would also break out into a phrase from some current pop tune. Mom sang to the artist as a baby constantly: pop tunes from her youth, and the latest hits on the radio. Many decades later, Mario began performing those same songs at retirement homes. The #1 thing Mario learned from his mom about music is the joy of SINGING TO someone.

sssh! my secret alter ego!
PG13+ originals ::